This application collects some Personal Information on its Users.

Data Processing Owner

Email address of the Owner:

Type of data collected

The personal information collected by this application, in an independent manner or through third parties, includes: Name, Email, Cookies, and Use Data.

Full details on all types of data collected are provided in the sections dedicated to this privacy policy or through specific information texts displayed before this data is collected.
Personal Information can be provided freely by the user or, as in Use Data, collected automatically during the use of this application.
Unless otherwise specified, all of the data requested by this application are mandatory. If the user refuses to communicate this data, it may be impossible for the application to supply the service. If the application indicates that data is optional, users are free to abstain from communicating this data, without any effect on the availability of the service or its operation.
Users with have questions regarding what data is mandatory are encouraged to contact the Owner.
Any use of Cookies, or other tracking tools, by this application or the owners of the third party services used by this application, where not otherwise specified, are used to supply the service requested by the User in addition to the other purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

The User assumes the responsibility for the personal information of third parties obtained, published, or shared through this application and guarantees ownership of the right to communicate them or share them, releasing the Owner of any and all responsibility to third parties.

Method and location for processing the data collected

Processing method

The owner uses all suitable security measures aimed at prohibiting access to, sharing of, changes to, or the unauthorized destruction of personal information.
The processing is performed using computer and/or telematic tools, into databases and with logic closely related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, the data may be accessible to other parties involved in the organization of this application (administrative, sales, marketing, legal, or system administration staff) or external parties (such as third party technical services, couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, or communications agencies) nominated, if necessary, as Processing Managers by the Owner. The updated list of Processing Managers can always be requested by the Owner of the Data.

Legal basis for processing

The owner handles personal information for the users in the event one of the following conditions exists:

The user has given their consent for one or more of the specific purposes; Note: in some orders, the Owner may be authorized to process personal information without the user’s consent or based on another legal basis specified below, until the User opts-out of this processing. However, this is not applicable if:

  • personal information processing is regulated by European law for the protection of personal information;
  • processing is necessary for executing a contract with the user and/or executing pre-contract measures;
  • processing is necessary to fulfill legal obligations to which the owner is subject;
  • processing is necessary for the execution of a requirement public interest or for the execution of public powers with which the owner is invested;
  • processing is necessary to pursue the legitimate interest to the owner or third parties.

Regardless, the owner can always be asked to clarify the concrete legal basis for all processing and in particular to specify if the processing is based on the law, required by a contract, or necessary to close a contract.


The data is processed at the operative offices of the owner and in any other location in which the parties involved in processing are located. For further information, contact the owner.

The user’s personal information can be transferred to a country other than where the user is located. For more information regarding the location of processing, the user can refer to the section regarding the details of personal information processing.

The user has the right to obtain information based on the legality of transfer of the data outside the European Union, or to another international organization under public international law or consisting of two or more countries, for example the UN, as well as the security measures adopted by the owner to protect the data.

Should one of the above-described transfers occur, the user can refer to the respective sections of this document, or request information from the owner by contacting them at the addresses provided.

Storage period

The data are processed and kept for the time required for the purposes for which they have been collected.


Personal information collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the owner and the user will be kept until the execution of this contract has been completed.
Personal information collected that can be traced to the legitimate interest of the owner will be kept until this interest has been satisfied. The user can obtain further information regarding the legitimate interest held by the owner in the relative sections of this document or by contacting the owner.
When processing is based on user consent, the owner can keep the personal information longer, until this consent is revoked. Furthermore, the owner may be required to keep the personal information for a longer period in order to fulfill legal obligations or on order of the authorities.

At the end of the storage period, personal information is deleted. Therefore, at the expiration of that period, the right for access, elimination, correction and portability for the information can no longer be exerted.

Purposes of the collected data processing

The user data are collected to allow the owner to supply its services, as well as for the following purposes: Contact the user and statistics.

To obtain further detailed information on the objective of processing and on the personal information that is relevant for each purpose, the user can refer to the relative sections of this document.

Details on personal information processing

Personal information are collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

  • Contact the user
  • Statistics

User rights

The users can exert specific rights with reference to the data processed by the owner.

Specifically, the user has the right to:

  • revoke consensus at any time. The user can revoke their consent to process their personal information given previously.
  • oppose processing of their information. The user can oppose processing of their information when this occurs on a legal basis other than consent. Further details on the right of opposition are provided in the section below.
  • access their own information. The user has the right to obtain information on the data processed by the owner, on specific aspects of processing, and to receive a copy of the processed data.
  • heck and request correction. The user can check their information for accuracy and can request it be updated or corrected.
  • obtain limitation of processing. When specific conditions exist, the user can request limiting the processing of their personal information. In this case, the owner will not process the data for any reason other than for their conservation.
  • obtain cancellation or removal of their personal information. When specific conditions exist, the user can request limiting the processing of their personal information by the owner.
  • receive their data or transfer them to another owner. The user has the right to receive their data in a structured format, of common use and readable by an automatic device, and, where technically feasible, to transfer this data without any obstacles to another owner. This disposition is applicable when the data are processed with automated tools and processing is based on user consent, on a contract which the user is part of, or on contractual measures related to these.
  • present complaint. The user can present a complaint to the controlling authorities responsible for the protection of personal information or operate in a legal setting.

Details on the right of opposition

When personal information is processed for public interest, in the execution of the public powers with which the owner is invested, or to pursue a legitimate interest of the owner, users have the right to object to processing for reasons related to their specific situation.

Users are reminded that, where their information has been processed for direct marketing, they can object to processing without providing any motivation. To discover if the owner has processed data for direct marketing purposes, users can refer to the respective sections of this document.

How to exert your rights

To exert user’s rights, users must send a request to the contact information for the owner indicated in this document. Requests are deposited free of charge and performed by the owner in as short a time as possible, and in any case within one month.

Further information on processing

Legal defense

The user’s personal information can be used by the owner in a court of law or in the preparatory steps for possible establishment of a defense against the abuse of use of this application or the related services by the user.
The user declares to be aware that the owner may be required to provide the data upon order by the public authorities.

Specific information statements

Upon request by the user, in addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this application may provide the user additional information statements and at the same time regarding specific services or collection and processing of personal information.

System logs and maintenance

Due to needs related to operation and maintenance, this application any third party services used by them could collect system logs, that is files that register interactions and that also can contain personal data, such as the user IP address.

Information not contained in this policy

Further information regarding personal information processing can be requested at any time from the processing owner using the contact information.

Response to “Do Not Track” requests

This application does not support “Do Not Track” requests.
To discover if any of the third party services used support them, the user is invited to consult the relative privacy policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

The processing owner reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time, informing the users on this page, if possible on this application, as well as, if technically and legally feasible, by sending users a notification through one of the contacts the owner has been provided. Please consult this page on a regular basis, and refer to the date of the last change indicated at the bottom.

Should the changes involve processing whose legal purpose is consent; the owner will collect the users consent again, if necessary.

Legal definitions and references
Last change: 24 May, 2018

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